переводы по медицине и биологии biomedical translations
Translations in the biomedical sciences
from Russian and into Russian

I received my B. Sci. degree from the Dept. of Biophysics, Moscow State University, and worked as a researcher at the institutes of General Genetics, Chemical Physics and Molecular Genetics of the USSR and then Russian Academy of Sciences. Then I worked with an American charity foundation for a few years. I have translated hundreds of scientific articles, mainly from Russian into English, and have also done simulataneous and consecutive interpreting at dozens of simposia and workshops. Areas of science that are most familiar to me as a translator are molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, protection of the environment, biophysics, medicine and chemistry. Yet I have also translated, not without certain success, geology and geochemistry, legal texts, physics, etc.
Get in touch with me!
Vladimir Mikoyan
E-mail: translations@list.ru
Phone (daytime): +7(095)330-6465

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